Sarah Stroschein


Angry Gods

Embark is a consulting firm founded on a simple idea: that if you treat people excellently, they’ll do excellent work. Embark helps businesses grow and succeed by putting happiness first. And their numbers prove that happiness really is good for business. We created a visual identity to express the happiness that was already present within the company.

Embark logo

The logo embodies Embark’s optimistic spirit. A curved arrow glyph ‘e’ points onward and upward, representing the start of a new path to happiness and prosperity in business.

Embark brand guidelines

Five alternate versions of the logotype represent unique paths to happiness and prosperity in business.

Shorthand mark

Embark logomark

Embark’s new tagline is everything they stand for boiled down to two little words.

Embark tagline
Embark color

Embodying the happiness and optimism of the identity, Embark Sans is a bespoke type family designed exclusively for Embark by Colophon. We created two styles—Embark Sans and Embark Sans Headline.

Embark Sans

Embark Sans is constructed with distinctively happy, energetic characteristics like high-contrast strokes, curled terminals, and flicked tails. The high x-height emphasizes the brand’s uplifting and playful spirit.

Embark Sans
Embark Sans Headline

Embark Sans Headline includes a set of alternate glyphs for letters Aa–Zz and numbers 0–9 that feature the curves and arrows of the logo.

Embark Sans Headline Arrow Glyphs

The arrow glyphs allow Embark’s brand to come through with a single typed word.

Type examples
Type exampes
Embark notebook
Embark business cards
Embark banners
Embark hoodie
Embark hahahappyworks
Embark posters

The new brand was launched by announcing the death of consulting as we know it. We placed ads in the Wall Street Journal, put the newspaper in mini coffins and mailed them to CFOs, and drove a hearse around New York.

Embark full page WSJ ad
Creative Directors
Sam Jenkins / James Springall
Design Director
Sarah Stroschein
Alan Cheetham / Sojin Kim
Logo Concept
Thomas Pregiato
Jerry-Lee Bosmans
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